
The BASC logo

Read our statement following a response for the Welsh Minister for Economy after shooting businesses in Wales were excluded from Covid funding.

BASC has launched an online election platform to allow members to make direct contact with their local parliamentary candidates ahead of the Senedd elections on 6 May.

BASC’s Scottish and Welsh manifestos seek to ensure that all parliamentarians from all parties recognise the value of shooting in Scotland and Wales.

A woodpigeon on a fence

BASC Wales director thanked everyone who took the time to respond.

BASC chairman Eoghan Cameron looks to the future in his New Year’s message.

Attention now focused on ensuring people do not fall foul of changes.


Play your part in NRW general licence review to ensure future licences are fit for purpose.

The BASC logo

The 2014 general licences for Wales, which give legal authority for the control of pest bird species such as pigeons and crows, have been published by the UK’s largest shooting organisation, the British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC) after technical problems delayed their publication by Natural Resources Wales.