
The condition would impact young and future farmers, conservationists and pest controllers who require general licences in work and training.

BASC has called on Natural Resources Wales to utilise the significant benefits already implemented by shooting activities in their future conservation plans

BASC has sought clarification of the Welsh Government’s position on country sport through Samuel Kurtz MS.

BASC is calling for users of the general licence for conservation in Wales to provide case studies to rebut NRW’s decision to remove jays, jackdaws and magpies.

The decision by Natural Resources Wales to restrict the ability of conservationists and wildlife managers to control magpies, jays and jackdaws is a retrograde blow for conservation.

Subject to NRW board approval, the proposals would remove magpies, jays and jackdaws from the Welsh general licence for conservation.

BASC has met with the Chief Constable for Dyfed Powys to raise member issues with the police force’s firearms licensing department.

The Gylfinir Cymru partnership, involving BASC and 15 other partner organisations, has launched a 10-year plan to reverse curlew decline in Wales.

BASC opposes a proposal to ban snares in Wales and is calling on the Welsh Government to justify the plans by producing scientific evidence.

BASC welcomed Samuel Kurtz, Senedd Member and Shadow Minister for Rural Affairs, to a recent Young Shots event at Telpyn Shooting Ground near Amroth.