
Red grouse on a post

BASC has urged all MSPs to vote down the Wildlife Management and Muirburn (Scotland) Bill in a debate taking place tomorrow.

A red grouse

BASC has urged MSPs to make substantial amendments to the Wildlife Management and Muirburn (Scotland) Bill following the publication of a key report.

A capercaillie

A decision by the Scottish government to ban snares would be catastrophic to threatened bird species, including the iconic capercaillie.

Shotgun barrel

If you have been issued with a backdated firearms or shotgun certificate following a delay in your renewal, we’d like to hear from you.

A spaniel running

BASC is urging members to familiarise themselves with the new Hunting with Dogs (Scotland) Act 2023 when undertaking fox and rabbit control with dogs.

A fox

The Scottish government consultation which proposes a ban on the use of snares in Scotland closes on 3 October.

Countryside landscape

BASC’s newly appointed director of Scotland Peter Clark talks about his plans and the challenges facing shooting in Scotland and the UK.

A fox

The Scottish government has announced a consultation on the use of snares in Scotland.

Scottish water

BASC has called on Scottish Water to explain its decision to end grouse shooting on its land.

Rifle range

Respond to a Scottish consultation on the exclusion of target shooting ranges as a land use under permitted development rights.