Pest and Predator control

Two air rifles pointing out onto a target range

FAC-rated air rifles offer versatility in a wide range of shooting situations, but UK shooters have been slow to catch on.

Night deer stalker looking through binoculars

The fox is one of the most successful and fascinating UK mammals. We look at the kit, skills and techniques used in fox control at night.

A rat

You can be in with the chance of winning £250 in cash by answering questions about your approach to controlling rats.

If you’re a gamekeeper using professional rodenticides, read the open letter from the Chair of the Campaign for Responsible Rodenticide Use.

The BASC logo

BASC review what was said following a parliamentary debate discussing banning the use of snares in England.

Mat Manning explains how he uses feeding stations to boost his results when using an airgun to control grey squirrels.

The Scottish Government’s suggestion that it would consider a statutory ban on snares would be ‘disastrous for land managers’ says BASC.

Guest blogger and keen wildfowler, Gethin Jones, reviews Mary Cowell’s latest book Beak, Tooth and Claw – Living with Predators in Britain.

Larsen trap

A proposal to consider excluding the use of general licences over some areas of land in Scotland has been challenged by the UK’s largest shooting organisation, the British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC).  BASC is concerned that this could penalise innocent land managers and affect their livelihoods.

The BASC logo

Please email Natural England with your views on proposals to radically change the English general licences – which give the authority for activities such as pigeon shooting. The consultation closes on the 19th May.