
BASC is calling for users of the general licence for conservation in Wales to provide case studies to rebut NRW’s decision to remove jays, jackdaws and magpies.

In a move supported by BASC, Defra has confirmed that it will contest Wild Justice’s latest legal challenge relating to the general licence GL42.

A substantial number of confirmed cases means it is extremely likely that there will be issues with the supply of eggs and chicks from France.

The Scottish Government’s suggestion that it would consider a statutory ban on snares would be ‘disastrous for land managers’ says BASC.

BASC’s shoot visits have been taken up by more than 300 shoots this year, and are on target to hit 400 by the end of 2021.

BASC has issued a reminder of the legal obligations of shoots releasing gamebirds on or within 500m of a European Protected Site in England.

BASC is committed to seeing tougher penalties imposed under the Government’s new Animal Welfare Bill for those found guilty of gamebird worrying.

Read Conor O’Gorman’s blog following the inclusion of plans for new animal welfare legislation in the Queen’s speech in parliament yesterday.

The Government has announced an interim licensing scheme for gamebird release on and within 500 metres of European Protected Sites.

After 10 years at the helm, BASC’s Glynn Evans has stepped down as chair of the England and Wales Poaching Priority Delivery Group.