Gamebird release

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BASC is urging members and the wider rural community to stand up against the Welsh government’s proposals to restrict gamebird releasing.

A female pheasant

If you’re involved in running a shoot, please complete our survey regarding the impact of avian influenza on the 2022/23 season.

BASC has submitted an extensive, 80-page response to Natural Resources Wales’ call for evidence on gamebird releasing.

Read our response to the RSPB’s unfounded call for a moratorium on gamebird release to prevent the spread of avian influenza.

BASC has issued a reminder of the legal obligations of shoots releasing gamebirds on or within 500m of a European Protected Site in England.

BASC is committed to seeing tougher penalties imposed under the Government’s new Animal Welfare Bill for those found guilty of gamebird worrying.

The Government has announced an interim licensing scheme for gamebird release on and within 500 metres of European Protected Sites.