Game shooting

Powys residents at the meeting

More than a 100 gamekeepers, local residents and business owners attended the Act Now campaign event in Llangedwyn.

A shooter walking their gundog

We are all in this climate emergency together, and the skills of upland gamekeepers should be held in high regard, says BASC’s Gareth Dockerty.

The Act now banner

Download our digital toolkit and help us fight back against proposals to ban gamebird releasing in Wales.

The Act now banner

Game shooting in Wales is under attack. Read our guidance and background information and complete the consultation today.

Farming today

BASC told the BBC that the Welsh government’s proposals to licence all gamebird releasing is another step towards a future ban on shooting in Wales.

The Act now banner

BASC is urging members and the wider rural community to stand up against the Welsh government’s proposals to restrict gamebird releasing.

A woodcock

A debate held in Parliament yesterday on the shooting season for woodcock saw MPs push back on claims made under a petition instigated by Wild Justice.

A female pheasant

If you’re involved in running a shoot, please complete our survey regarding the impact of avian influenza on the 2022/23 season.

BASC has received ministerial confirmation that AI movement restrictions for importing gamebirds and other poultry to Great Britain will be cut from 90 days to 30 days.

A fox

Following the passing of the Hunting with Dogs (Scotland) Bill, read how the new legislation will affect shooting in Scotland.