Firearms licensing

Shotgun barrel

If you have been issued with a backdated firearms or shotgun certificate following a delay in your renewal, we’d like to hear from you.


Representatives of four UK police forces met with BASC teams over two days to discuss issues around firearms and firearms licensing.

A shooter aiming down the scope of a rifle

BASC has submitted its response to the “most important firearms licensing consultation in 35 years”.

PCC dorset

BASC met with Dorset Police following the force’s decision to suspend its firearm licensing collaboration with Devon and Cornwall Police.

A police siren

BASC has lodged an official complaint with the IOPC following comments made by Merseyside Police around legally-held firearms.

Firearms licensing application form

BASC has issued a statement in response to the coroner publishing a report into the Keyham shootings.

A police officer

Read BASC’s statement following the conclusion of the inquests into the shooting of five people by Jake Davison in 2021.

LBC radio

BASC made contact with the Labour Party earlier this week following statements by Sir Keir Starmer regarding the firearms licensing process.

Firearms licensing application form

BASC has proposed the establishment of an independent regulatory body to oversee licensing departments.

BASC Scotland strongly opposes recommendations for changes to firearms licensing in Scotland.