
goose in flight

As wildfowling comes under increasing pressure from changes in lifestyle and consenting arrangements, the Leicestershire Wildfowlers Association is one of several forward-looking clubs pushing the boundaries.


As the Glorious Twelfth approaches, David Scott introduces some of the iconic bird species supported by moorland managed for grouse.

Water pipe

You can be part of shooting’s reprisal against United Utilities’ decision not to renew shoot leases on its land.

A game shooter aiming their shotgun

BASC’s research team are working with the University of Exeter to look into the changes in game bags over time.

A duck in flight over a lake

Project Penelope is here again, giving us the opportunity to get cracking with this exciting international conservation scheme.

A flock of ducks flying

A look at Ducks Unlimited, a US-based organisation founded by hunters and dedicated to conserving and restoring wildfowl habitat.

A countryside landscape at sunset

BASC is urging members to move quickly to express their interest in the Species Survival Fund for habitat work in England.

A fox

The future of Wales’ most threatened species has been put at significant risk, after a ban on all snares was taken forward by the Welsh Government this week.


Changes to an interim gamebird release licence in England could throw shoots into turmoil, risking jobs, businesses and conservation projects.

A countryside landscape

BASC has criticised the current legal framework on protected sites that leaves shooting activities disproportionately restricted.