
pair of grey partridges

The new England Species Reintroduction Taskforce is interested in the translocations of species for conservation purposes, says BASC’s Ian Danby.

The Lough Erne Wildfowler’s Council (LEWC) celebrated ten years their conservation work by organising a wader conservation conference.

heather in bloom

Report shows dramatic decrease in incidents across the UK.

Geese in flight

BASC’s inaugural Wing Week will take place from 26 February – 4 March 2024, marked by a series of events centred around wildfowl and waders.

A capercaillie

A decision by the Scottish government to ban snares would be catastrophic to threatened bird species, including the iconic capercaillie.

A fox

The Agriculture (Wales) Act will make it illegal to use snares in Wales, despite the threat to species conservation and livestock protection.

Birds in a hedge

The government is encouraging the creation of more hedgerows – and that will be a win for shooting and conservation.

Hen harrier chicks

New data from Natural England shows 141 hen harrier chicks fledged in England this year, the seventh year in a row that numbers have increased.

Dr Cat McNicol

Members of BASC’s research team recently travelled to Poland to speak at an international conference on game and wildfowl.

Asian hornet

The invasive Asian hornet is a serious threat to the UK’s wildlife, especially our native honeybees and other insects.