BASC to School

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BASC North Regional Officer Rob Newton and Northeast Young Shots coach Phil Fairless ran a Young Shots / Novice day event at Spennymoor and District Clay Pigeon Shooting Club on Sunday 15th May.

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BASC North were delighted to support Countryside Learning at their Countryside Learning Day at Ledston Estate earlier this week.

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Great day today back doing education days at Living Land.

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Just arrived at the Suffolk food and farming day! We are talking to children about deer! Followed by a tasting session of venison burgers!
Looking forward to a busy day! #BASCtoSchool

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BASC recently attended the Countrytastic event at the Three Counties Showground, Worcestershire. Countrytastic is an educational show aimed at young families. This sold-out event saw over 5,000 children, parents, grandparents and guardians learn about the countryside.

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Fantastic evening supporting the #bascsoutheast team with the Witney Young Farmers club.

Curtis Mossop highlights the BASC and Kids Country Cubs and Scouts event as a fine example of BASC’s work to bring the countryside to thousands of children every year.