BASC to School

Emily Rosa

BASC sponsored the Young Apprentice of the Year and FE Learner of the Year categories at the Land-based and Environment Learning Awards last week.

300 Scouts were introduced to shotgun shooting at the Suffolk Punch Scouts event, which ran from the 12-14 August.

The BASC logo

Highlands and Islands MSP, Edward Mountain, presented prizes to young shots at Moy Country Fair, as part of an initiative to encourage more Highland youngsters to participate in country sports.

Thousands of Scouts and Guides were introduced to clay pigeon shooting by BASC at this year’s Poacher Jamboree.

We were delighted once again to be back at the New Forest Show after a three-year break.

The BASC logo

Run by BASC and the Scottish Youth and the Countryside Education Trust, the event saw more than 100 young people take part during the Scottish Game Fair this weekend.

The BASC logo

A massive thank you to Conor Lewis of Lavin Guns, for sponsoring our Young Shots Activity Day at North Antrim Rifle and Pistol Club (NARPC).
Lavin Guns

The BASC logo

BASC North RO Gavin Howe and Ian Bretherton joined up with the teachers and pupils at Howick C of E Primary School to help them site 12 BASC bird boxes in their new Forest school.

The BASC logo

Yesterday BASC East were involved with an event for local scout groups in Suffolk.

The BASC logo

We were delighted to support The Border Union Schools Countryside Education Day at Kelso earlier this week – run by the Society for P5 pupils across the Scottish Borders.