BASC Legacy Sponsorship

The BASC Legacy Sponsorship aims to support and encourage young people keen to pursue competitive clay/target shooting, with a view to progressing towards representing their country as part of a national team.

The programme is open to UK citizens, who are either current BASC member or have immediate family who are and while there is no minimum award, the maximum award to an individual is £3,000 per annum.There will be a maximum of two awards given each year.

How to apply

Simply download and submit a completed application form by 5pm on 27 October 2023, be either email or post.

As well as the application form candidate must provide evidence of their own or their immediate family’s BASC membership. Please do not send in membership cards; send in a scan or photocopy of the card along with your application form.

They must also co-operate with BASC in developing and providing input for the promotion and advertisement of the award made, through social media, BASC’s Shooting and Conservation magazine, press releases, the provision of images, and the progress of the successful applicant during this process.

Or by post to:

FAO Sandra Forkin
BASC Legacy Funded Scholarship Programme,
The British Association for Shooting and Conservation
Marford Mill
LL12 0HL
Telephone 01244 573 034