
Lobby your MP

Contact your MP to find out where they stand on shooting and conservation.

To promote and protect shooting and conservation we need to know the views of MPs. Nearly half the House of Commons elected in July are new MPs, and we need your help to discover their opinions on shooting and conservation.

This page allows you to identify your MP, and if they have let us know that they are supportive of shooting. If we have no information on their views, you can email them with a letter asking them where they stand. Please let us know of the reply you receive by forwarding it to politics@basc.org.uk.

BASC is an all-party organisation and will continue to work for sustainable shooting and conservation with MPs from all parties.

MPs need to recognise the importance of shooting, and this is where you can make a difference.

Please email your MP using our suggested wording which will appear once you have entered your constituency name. You will need to insert your address where indicated to show that you are a constituent. You can amend our wording if you wish. Please let BASC know the terms of any reply you receive by emailing it to politics@basc.org.uk.

You can identify your constituency by entering your postcode here. Consider inviting your MP to see your shoot, club or shooting business. Our experience is that visiting and seeing for themselves changes minds to support shooting and conservation.

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Begin typing your constituency and then select it from the dropdown.

If you do not know your constituency, you can check it here.

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