A woodland in fall
A woodland in fall

England woodland creation offer

The new England Woodland Creation Offer grant scheme for landowners and farmers supports the creation of a range of woodland types and sizes.

The grant can cover 100 per cent of eligible standard capital costs of woodland creation, including buying and planting the trees, and then maintaining them for 10 years.

Additional financial contributions are available for well-designed woodland that provide public and wider environmental benefits, such as:-

  • Nature and species recovery – between £1,100/ha to £2,800/ha available where woodland creation will help woodland-dependent priority species to recover;
  • Tree planting near watercourses and rivers (riparian buffers) – £1,600/ha available where the creation of native broadleaved woodland along water courses will improve river habitats;
  • Reduced flood risk – £500/ha available where woodland creation can help reduce the risk of flooding;
  • Improved public access – £2,200/ha available where woodland creation will provide long-term permissive access to the public to enjoy
  • Close to settlements – £500/ha available where woodland creation will provide social and environmental benefits by being close to people;
  • Improved water quality – £400/ha available for woodlands that clean our water by reducing pollutants through land use change by intercepting pollution and sediment before it reaches watercourses.

The grants are available to all landowners, tenants, landlords and licensors who have full management control of the land in the application (or consent from those who do).

On land with a tenant, both the tenant and landowner must confirm consent for the application. Land is eligible if it is:

  • In England
  • Within the full management control of the applicant (and any counter-signatories, where applicable) • not already classified as woodland
  • Not subject to any existing legal requirement or obligation to create woodland
  • Not subject to a dispute between landlords and tenants
  • Not currently within an existing grant agreement that has more than five months left to run at the time the EWCO application is submitted

The minimum size for new woodland entered into the grant scheme is 1ha, with individual woodland blocks having to be 0.1ha minimum each.

What does it mean for shooting?

  • The creation of new woodland will mean the need for effective deer management will increase. Not only could this provide new opportunities for stalkers, but commodities such as deer fencing and high seats are eligible for Government funding. Likewise, woodland maintenance payments are available to protect/establish the planted trees. This could go towards paying a deer manager.
  • The same can be said of grey squirrel control- increased opportunities for shooters.
  • The creation of woodlands could boost game shooting prospects. New woodlands could mean new/improved drives, and potentially replacing previous cover crops with woodland plantations will be equally as effective and more profitable.
  • Additional funding is available where the woodland being created will benefit certain priority species. Many shoots are already home to such species due to effective habitat and predator control, so this could be added incentive.
  • Planting of broadleaves along riverbanks is a desirable part of the grant scheme. The establishment of such trees could provide increased nesting opportunities and boost UK species.
  • Grant covers entire cost and all financial aspects of the process.
  • Future sale of woodland carbon credits could provide source of additional income.

Applications are open all year round. Find out more.
