Conservation in action

Find out more about the conservation projects we are currently undertaking or part of, and how you can get involved.

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At BASC, gathering data and evidence on sustainable shooting is an essential part of our work, informing best practice and safeguarding the future of our countryside.

To help us do this, we undertake and commission research on a variety issues that impact on people, wildlife and habitats, many of which you can get involved with.

The latest news from BASC

Ducks take the tube – DC

With mallard numbers in the UK declining and a flyway population showing a similar trend, wildfowlers across the country are using a simple but effective idea to improve the ducks’ breeding success.

pair of grey partridges

Species reintroduction in England

The new England Species Reintroduction Taskforce is interested in the translocations of species for conservation purposes, says BASC’s Ian Danby.