A clay shooter
A clay shooter

What do I need?

To get started you don’t need anything specific, just make sure you wear something that is comfortable, you can move in and that is weather appropriate.

If you do decide that clay shooting is for you, the first three things that should be on your shopping list is:

Hearing protection

As you can imagine the level of noise that erupts when you use a firearm is high and can cause immediate and permanent hearing loss. Protecting your hearing is vital and there are two types of protection either an ear plug or earmuff – or both. 

The most important thing is that the fit is right and they come with a high Noise Reduction Rating (NRR).

Eye protection

There are so many potential risks to the eyes when out shooting that eye protection should be worn at all times.

We’re not just talking about firearm malfunction or shrapnel from targets, but also twigs, springs and even solvents that could get in the eye and permanently damage your sight.

A shooting vest

Often referred to as a skeet vest they not only make things easy with a range of pockets to give you easy access to cartridges and equipment but they can also help with your shooting.

A correct fitting vest will give added comfort where you need it most, thanks to padded sections which also help with gun balance.

If a vest is not your thing you could use a cartridge pouch.
