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A poult lying in the mud

BASC has warned Defra that shooting businesses are facing financial ruin, criminal charges or both, unless it urgently reinstates a licence for the release of gamebirds in protected areas of England.

A stag deer in field

The proposals relate to the use of night shooting equipment, minimum bullet weights and the removal of the close seasons for male deer.

Richard Garner Williams

The knock-on impacts of Natural Resources Wales’ proposals to restrict gamebird release have been covered in depth by the BBC in Wales.

A rat

BASC is advising members of forthcoming changes to the legal authorisation of two second generation anticoagulant rodenticides (SGARS).

The BBC’s Farming Today programme has covered the consequences of Defra’s changes to the general licence for gamebird release in protected areas (known as GL43).

A red grouse standing on a rock

BASC was present at the first of several oral evidence sessions of the Wildlife Management and Muirburn (Scotland) Bill last week in the Scottish Parliament.

A young poult in a gamekeeper's hands

BASC is a joint signatory on a letter from Aim to Sustain to the Secretary of State regarding the ban on gamebird releasing in parts of England.

A grey partridge and the BASC Fighting Fund logo

BASC has announced today a decision to prepare legal proceedings against Defra over its withdrawal of GL43.

A countryside landscape

Defra has critically underestimated the number of shoots which will be impacted by its decision to restrict gamebird release in areas of England.

A red legged partridge

Defra has reissued GL43 for Special Areas of Conservation, but release in Special Protection Areas will still require an individual licence.