– Features


BASC staff provide a collection of handy tips and tricks to make dealing with deer carcasses much more efficient.

A gundog

Within the thousands of dogs which end up in rescue shelters every year, are many who have the potential to find a new life as a working gundog.

A game shooter with gundogs

The value of a well-oiled picking-up team can’t really be overstated. After all, accounting for every bird shot should always be the end goal.

Birds in a hedge

The government is encouraging the creation of more hedgerows – and that will be a win for shooting and conservation.

Game shooters walking through a frosty field

Glynn Evans looks ahead to the new pheasant season, and what he’s most eagerly anticipating in prospect.

A spaniel walking down a country lane

Rough shooting can mean different things to different people. But what qualities define an exemplary rough shooter?

50 not out

Sparsholt’s history stretches back 125 years. Fifty years ago, the college pioneered the country’s first dedicated gamekeeping course.

Two air rifles pointing out onto a target range

FAC-rated air rifles offer versatility in a wide range of shooting situations, but UK shooters have been slow to catch on.

Spaniel carrying a bird

BASC staff members own – or have owned – a variety of gundog breeds. We asked a handful of them about their dogs’ quirks and characters…

Night deer stalker looking through binoculars

The fox is one of the most successful and fascinating UK mammals. We look at the kit, skills and techniques used in fox control at night.