BASC steps in to publish 2014 general licences for Wales
The 2014 general licences for Wales, which give legal authority for the control of pest bird species such as pigeons and crows, have been published by the UK’s largest shooting organisation, the British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC) after technical problems delayed their publication by Natural Resources Wales.
Dr. Conor O’Gorman, policy development manager at BASC, said: “The general licences are renewed every year and everyone who shoots pest species must be familiar with their terms and the legal authority which they convey to control pest species of birds.
“This control is essential for food safety and security and for conservation. Pigeons, for example, are the UK’s number one agricultural pest, feeding in huge numbers on growing crops. The general licences are published annually by the relevant bodies in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
“There have been no changes to the terms of the general licences in Wales, but it is vital that people who shoot know these terms and abide by them and that the licences are published in full and on time every year. BASC has obtained the full text of the general licences from Natural Resources Wales and has published them on the BASC website while Natural Resources Wales solves its technical difficulties.”
Natural Resources Wales took over responsibility for the general licences in Wales last year. The general licences can be found here. Copies of all the general licences can be obtained from Natural Resources Wales by emailing
BASC issues AI update
BASC continues to monitor the developing situation with avian influenza, providing the latest advice and guidance to members via our AI hub.
BASC seeks legal advice over Wales gamebird plans
BASC is considering legal action to challenge the potential licensing of gamebird releasing in Wales from 2025.