BASC statement on RSPB Birdcrime report

heather moorland

In response to the publication of the RSPB’s latest Birdcrime report, BASC’s executive director of conservation, Caroline Bedell, said:

“BASC robustly condemns raptor persecution and will expel any member convicted of such an offence. BASC are joint signatories with other rural organisations to a ‘zero tolerance’ position statement on raptor persecution.

“While each incident is one too many and a blight on the shooting community, the RSPB’s latest Birdcrime report actually shows a dramatic year-on-year decrease in incidents across the entire UK.”

Natural England has reported Hen Harrier figures in England are at a 200-year high, which is testament to the positive steps being taken by the shooting community to increase the numbers of chicks which fledge each year.”

