Higos provides bespoke commercial insurance programs specifically tailored for BASC trade members. Our specialist shooting team relishes finding BASC members excellent levels of cover. Using their experience, market knowledge and reputation, they take the time to understand each unique situation.
Higos provides bespoke commercial shooting insurance programs, from clay grounds, shoot cancellation, commercial shoot insurance, commercial insurance for trade members and directors & officers insurance. You can be sure you are fully protected – and not paying for cover you do not need.
Higos shoot cancellation insurance covers bad weather anywhere in the UK. Offering up to a 30% discount for two or more consecutive days treated separately. If a shot is fired prior to 11am then the shoot is deemed to have proceeded. Find out more information here.
Should the unexpected happen, and you need to make a claim, their in-house UK-based claims team is ready to help with any immediate assistance you need to get your claim settled quickly, smoothly and recover your losses. Higos provides all the support you need when you need it most.
For independent and friendly advice, contact their specialist team:
Elaine Currie elaine.currie@higos.co.uk or Anya Eames anya.eames@higos.co.uk.
Phone: 01453 542 308.
Please make sure you tell them you are a BASC member.
ATV and UTV insurance
AIM Risk Services offers tailored policies with a number of features that have been developed specifically for BASC members.
Discounted fuel cards
The partnership opens up a wide range of products and services to BASC members, including savings at more than 3400 fuel stations,